Hurricane Laura damages Entergy power grid, leads to power outages in Montgomery County

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Brownouts related to Hurricane Laura have left tens of thousands of Entergy customers without power.

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Texas — Montgomery County residents are sweating it out as Eterngy works to repair a transmission line resulting in power outages in the area.

The brownouts will take place mainly in the heat of the day when the demand is high and the grid becomes unbalanced, according to Montgomery County Judge Mark Keough.

The Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management said they received an update from Entergy late Thursday explaining the current transmission line issue that had caused the power outages. 

The damaged transmission line has been located and is in the process of being repaired.

“Right now they are working to reenergize transmission lines that if all goes well tonight should be up soon and will bring most of us out of the dark,” Keough said.  “They are continuing to power up a current shut down power plant that was shut down due to evacuation of the area. If these options come online tonight we should see power back on at some point tonight.”

Keough said there was a third option to connect to the ERCOT grid if all else fails. This route is very difficult and would require more to come offline in order to complete it.

He added that the Eterngy CEO is confident they can accomplish restoration with the internal plans first.

The brownouts related to Hurricane Laura left tens of thousands of Entergy customers without power Thursday. 

Some customers in Chambers, Liberty and Walker counties are also affected.

Hurricane Laura damaged key transmission lines, conductors, wooden and steel transmission towers that bring electrical power from the east.    

Montgomery County Precinct 3 Commissioner James Noack said the power outages are necessary to protect the integrity of the power transmission line.

“If this line were to fail — all of Texas Entergy customers would be without power,” Noack wrote on Facebook. 

Noack said there is no estimated time on when the power will be restored. 

Click here to view the Entergy outage map.

Entergy is asking customers in its western area north of Houston to voluntarily reduce their usage of electricity by:

  • Raise the central air conditioner thermostat to 78 degrees. Window units should be adjusted accordingly.
  • Use energy efficient electric ceiling fans and portable fans to circulate air and help occupants feel cooler.
  • Close window blinds, drapes and curtains to reduce warming in the home from direct sunlight.
  • Check the air conditioner filter to be sure it is clean.
  • Delay laundering clothes, washing dishes, bathing, etc. until later in the evening or early morning. These activities produce moisture and increase humidity in the house, making the air conditioner work harder.
  • Wash clothes with cold water, cook foods at the lowest possible setting, and resist the temptation to open the oven door while baking.
  • Do not allow cooled air to escape from the home. Check caulking around doors and windows. Close the fireplace damper. Fill holes and gaps where wiring and pipes enter the house.
  • Make sure your clothes dryer and attic are vented properly.

Check back for updates.

VIDEO: More coverage of Hurricane Laura